How far an act of kindness can go??

How are you today? Hope all is good…Let me ask you a question. Have you ever thought what can be the cost of a smile? Or how far a small act of kindness can go??

I never realized that until I saw a movie sometime back. 

I know what you may be thinking now. In movies, they can show anything but all that can’t happen in real life, right? The reason why I thought of sharing this ‘movie review’ with you is because the story of the movie is based on a real life incident.

The movie

The movie is Helen which I watched sometime back. A few of you might have watched this Malayalam movie or its Tamil remake Anbirkiniyal.

To put the story in a nutshell, the movie revolves around the life of a girl who is in her early twenties. She aspires to go to Canada for a nursing job and prepare for that. In the meantime, she works part-time in a restaurant. 

Then comes the main twist. One day when she was taking records of the food items stored in their deep freezer, she accidentally got locked inside. The door can be opened only from outside. She tried all means to get the attention of someone to open the door. But all in vain with the thick soundproof walls. In the meantime, her father and friends were searching for her everywhere but did not find her anywhere.

Finally, the climax is – the security guard at the entrance of the Mall, where the shop is located, saw her photo. Then he realized that she had not gone out of the Mall in the evening and should be stuck somewhere inside itself. Later they opened the shop again. They found her inside the freezer room almost dead and rescued her.

Cost of kindness – The secret which saved her life

Do you know how the security officer was so sure that the girl is still stuck inside the shop or Mall? 

Every day when she comes in the morning and while leaving in the evening, she greets him and says hello and bye with a warm smile on her face. On that particular day, he only got the good morning smile in the morning. But never the goodbye smile in the evening. So he realized that she never left on that day!!!

Without even knowing that the movie is based on a real incident I felt touched by the storyline. Later when I came to know there is a real-life incident attached to it, I did some research to find out that.

The real life incident

The real-life incident is almost similar to the movie story which happened somewhere in the West. The comments from the security guard in the meat processing factory was like below.

He was working in the factory for many years and most of the staff never considered his existence, except for this lady. She used to greet him good morning and said good night while leaving. He always looked forward to her greeting since that made him feel he is of some importance. He mentioned that on the day of the incident he got her morning wishes but not the good night one. So he went in search of her inside the factory and found her in the freezer room near death.

The movie and its message kept running in my mind for quite some time. 

How far an act of kindness can go?

How amazing is it to have your life saved in return for a smile and a few words of kindness and consideration?? Do you think that lady has ever imagined her acts of kindness will come back this way to her? I doubt that… But it is when we give without expecting anything back, is when you get back that 100 times more, isn’t it?

But the problem with us now is, we don’t do much without expecting something in return. How many of you will take the initiative to talk to someone who is not on par with you on social status or job position etc? Not many of us…

To do that, we need a ‘special eye’ to see everyone as fellow human beings and not with tags associated to them like religion, jobs, financial status, etc. What would have been the end of the story, if the lady also had the same attitude as the rest of the workers in the factory? Her attitude stands as proof of how far a small act of kindness can go.

Let Universe pays you back for your kindness

These acts of kindness are more powerful, when you show that to people who cant pay you back. Because when they cant pay you back that goes as a debt the Universe owes you and it will be paid back in full when you least expect that, in the most unexpected manner. Start spreading the light of kindness from today. A warm smile at people who are sad, a few words to be people who are lonely. Words to cheer up/encourage people who feels low or just be there to listen to people attentively. All these goes a long way in making some positive changes in people’s life. May be on that particular day, your words or your presence might be the only thing which kept them going. So sprinkle lavishly the words and actions of kindness everywhere you go.

As I have mentioned here I am a person who strongly believes what goes around comes around. This incident made that belief even stronger. Also, I realized that when it comes back, it comes in many folds than we sent out. So keep on sending out good things to this Universe and let them come back to you in 100 folds at the most unexpected time.

So why wait for tomorrow? Start spreading the light of kindness right now and let me know how it made you happy by commenting below.

See you all soon in my next post. Till then take care and stay safe.

2 thoughts on “How far an act of kindness can go??”

  1. Mercy,
    That was really a neat Write up and thanks for sharing such a good blog. you actually mend us by your words, Wish to see much more like this and please continue doing this, Kudos!!


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